Tuesday 4th February 2025
Durbar Marg, Kathmandu

A montreal home care service can provide assistance in a number of ways, including companionship, housekeeping, meal preparation, and shopping. It can also help with medication management and mobility. In addition, home health services can help seniors remain in their own homes as long as possible, avoiding the need for placement in a nursing home or hospital.

The provincial government provides some home care services through a network of local centres known as CLSCs. These agencies are not for profit and are funded by the Regie d’assurance maladie du Québec. They offer a wide range of home health services, including nursing, physiotherapy, occupational therapy and psychosocial support. In addition, they can make recommendations for adapting a person’s home to facilitate their daily activities.

Rosalyn Williams-Ness, 52, a wheelchair user with cerebral palsy, depends on the home care she gets from her local CLSC in Dorval to get dressed, cook and clean. But she says the agency is often unreliable. It’s impossible to predict when workers will show up, and whether they’ll be able to do all the tasks she needs done.

If you need help, the first step is to call a CLSC and speak to an intake professional. They can assess your situation over the phone and refer you to a partner organization if they can’t offer the services you need. You may also wish to ask your family members to help you out. But if that’s not an option, you can hire private companies to do the work for you. montreal home care service

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