Tuesday 11th March 2025
Durbar Marg, Kathmandu

There are a few different strategies that FX Hedging professionals use to help them manage the currency risk of their clients. These include direct hedging, multi-currency hedging and complex hedging.

Developing an effective FX Hedging Strategies requires a lot of work and attention. This process includes articulating goals, assessing currency exposure and designing a risk management strategy that fits the needs of the business.

It also means implementing the FX hedging program systematically and consistently over time, with hedges executed regularly and updated at regular intervals. Having a well-articulated plan that aligns with company objectives is essential to successfully managing the foreign exchange risk of any organisation.

A simple hedging strategy involves opening two positions in the same currency pair that are positively or negatively correlated. This enables traders to offset the potential loss from one trade by taking advantage of the gains of the other.

However, hedging strategies that require multiple currencies tend to have more complex components than those that employ single currency pairs. Traders will need to be familiar with forex correlation matrixes and a strong understanding of the factors that influence price movements in these pairs.

Another strategy is to open long and short positions in currency pairs whose prices tend to be highly correlated. These are ideal for hedging because they help reduce trading risk by allowing traders to close out both positions at the same time.

The EUR/USD and USD/JPY combinations are two such examples. Traders can take out a buy position on the EUR/USD and short on the USD/JPY, which will cancel out each other and form a hedge that effectively protects the trading account.

These hedging strategies can be effective in helping to minimize the risks associated with currency fluctuations and can often result in profitable trades. Nonetheless, they can also lead to losses if the market turns against the hedged currency pair.

In addition, these hedging strategies are generally not suitable for every type of business. Rather, each organisation will have its own unique risk appetite and should therefore work with a treasury partner to identify the best option for them.

Choosing which hedging strategies are appropriate can be challenging, especially for a new or untrained treasury team. Hedging can have a wide range of benefits, including reducing the overall impact of currency fluctuations on a business and increasing market valuations, but it is not for everyone.

A key part of any hedging strategy is ensuring that the hedging program is effective and cost-effective. This can be achieved by conducting regular assessments of the currency exposure, designing an efficient hedging strategy and implementing it systematically over time.

By leveraging dynamic monitoring and a flexible hedging ratio over time, companies can significantly reduce the risk of volatility and exposure. It is important to ensure that the hedging program is not overly complicated or expensive, balancing the need for cost savings and adequate risk protection against potential operational disruption.

Hedging can also be a great way to diversify your portfolio without exposing you to the same risks. This can be particularly useful for global businesses that have exposure to multiple countries or currencies.

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