Monday 10th March 2025
Durbar Marg, Kathmandu

Retinoids are a group of drugs that work to decrease the appearance of wrinkles, fade pigmentation and unblock blocked pores. They are derived from vitamin A and can be available over the counter or as a prescription drug. Tretinoin is the best known of these drugs and has a strong body of evidence to prove that it reduces wrinkles, evens skin tone and improves acne. However, it is not the only retinoid that is available as a prescription and there is another – Tazarotene – that has been promoted as being stronger than Tretinoin. But is this really the case?

Tazarotene is a topical prescription retinoid that works to treat acne and also reduce signs of sun damage, such as wrinkles. It is available as a 0.1 per cent cream that can be applied to the face once daily, usually in the evening. It is important to carefully follow your doctor’s instructions for use of the cream, as it can irritate your skin if used incorrectly. Patients are advised to ensure their skin is dry before applying and avoid using any other irritant skincare products while taking the medication.

The main benefit of this drug is that it helps to prevent wrinkles by slowing down the rate at which your skin produces new skin cells. It also unblocks pores and reduces inflammation caused by inflammatory acne. It also helps to treat psoriasis and can improve the look of mild scarring.

Unlike some other types of retinoids, tazarotene is relatively low in irritation and is well tolerated by most patients. It is not recommended for people with sensitive skin and it is not suitable for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. There are also a number of other drugs that can interact with this medication, so it is important to tell your doctor if you take any other medications, including herbal remedies and supplements. It is particularly important to avoid tazarotene if you take a type of drug called a thiazide diuretic, which is used to treat high blood pressure.

Mild side effects of tazarotene cream are fairly common, but they usually go away within a few days or a couple of weeks. Some of the most common include redness, stinging and a slight burning sensation when you apply the cream. It is important to tell your doctor if you experience any of these symptoms as they can be a sign of an allergic reaction.

The cost of this medicine can be high, especially if you have to pay for it without insurance. However, there are a number of resources online that can help you find tazarotene cream cheap, including Medicine Assistance Tool and NeedyMeds. You may also be able to purchase this medication through a mail-order pharmacy. This can save you money and allow you to get the medication you need quickly. If you are unable to afford this medication, there are a number of charities that can help. tazarotene cream uk

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