Wednesday 12th March 2025
Durbar Marg, Kathmandu

Pilates is a form of body conditioning incorporating floor based exercises with the use of specialised equipment for resistance. It is performed in low repetitions, typically five to ten times during a session of 45 to 90 minutes. It is an excellent exercise for core stability, flexibility and balance. It also improves posture and muscle strength. Unlike most types of exercise, Pilates is not aerobic. Instead, it works the muscles to fatigue without causing overuse or injury. It also involves controlled breathing and focus on abdominal control. As such, it is not a high impact, intense workout and is suitable for all fitness levels. Those who are new to Pilates or who have a pre-existing injury should first seek the advice of a health, fitness or Pilates professional who can conduct a comprehensive assessment prior to beginning any program.

Pilates is often mistaken for a ‘mimic’ of yoga and calisthenics, however it is a very different type of exercise with the goal of strengthening all of the major muscle groups in a balanced fashion. It also incorporates a strong emphasis on the deep core muscles which are important to improve posture, balance and body awareness. It is a low impact exercise which can be adapted to suit all levels of ability, however some exercises may require greater strength or stability and can lead to a more challenging workout.

In Pilates, proper technique is key and the correct alignment of the spine and joints is a fundamental principle. The benefits of Pilates are far more significant when it is taught & performed correctly rather than by a’monkey see, monkey do’ approach. That’s why a qualified pilates instructor is worth their weight in gold!

Whether you are recovering from injury, wanting to strengthen your core or improve your performance, Clinical Pilates is an ideal choice. PhysioHealth Shellharbours’ Physiotherapists and Exercise Physiologists are trained in Polestar Pilates methods and are passionate about beautiful movement that makes the body feel good! Clinical Pilates can be done individually or in small groups of four enabling you to have an individualised program.

Our studio has 2 reformers, Wunda chair, barrel and a variety of small apparatus which allows us to create more of a personalised class for you to gain maximum benefit. Small groups allow for more interaction, feedback & guidance ensuring that you learn the correct technique and alignment of the spine and joint structure. pilates wollongong

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