Tuesday 21st January 2025
Durbar Marg, Kathmandu

S-Tier Champions
In the latest Watcher of Realms update, certain champions consistently dominate the battlefield. These S-Tier champions are renowned for their superior abilities, making them essential picks for any high-level strategy. Characters like Xander and Liora are prime examples of S-Tier excellence. Their exceptional skills and versatility ensure they can handle any challenge thrown their way, making them invaluable assets to any team.

A-Tier Standouts
While not quite at the pinnacle, A-Tier champions still offer impressive performance. They often complement S-Tier characters effectively and provide reliable support. Heroes such as Thorne and Elara fall into this category, bringing a balanced mix of offensive and defensive capabilities. Players who choose A-Tier champions can expect solid contributions and strategic advantages in various scenarios.

B-Tier Reliable Options
B-Tier champions are solid and dependable, offering good performance with certain limitations. These characters are often versatile but may lack the peak efficiency of higher-tier heroes. Examples include Orin and Freya, who are reliable choices for most battles but may require strategic support from higher-tier allies to shine.

C-Tier Underperformers
C-Tier champions struggle to keep up with the game’s competitive demands. While they have some useful abilities, their overall impact is often less significant compared to higher-tier champions. Characters like Garrick and Mira are examples of C-Tier heroes who might require additional effort or specific strategies to be effective in a competitive setting.

D-Tier Considerations
D-Tier champions are generally considered the least effective in the current meta. Their abilities and stats are often overshadowed by those of higher-tier heroes. Players might find them challenging to utilize effectively and should consider alternative strategies or upgrades before relying on these champions for key battles.watcher of realms characters

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