Wednesday 23rd October 2024
Durbar Marg, Kathmandu

An artist once said, “To paint the perfect painting, first live the perfect life, and then just paint naturally.” The message here in your new found career as a real estate investor might be translated like this: “In order to make the perfect real estate investments, first live the perfect real estate investor’s life, and then just invest naturally.”

Notice the emphasis here is on living the kind of life, if not perfect, then at least the kind that is most appropriate to the activity you intend to pursue. Another way to look at this is to say those who are most successful are those who already are living most successfully. Success breeds success. If you’re going to play the part, you should already be living the part. A lot of how successful you’re going to become is based on how successful you already appear to be. There’s still a lot of truth in the old-fashioned idea that, to get a new job, first go out and buy yourself a new suit.

If you don’t communicate to the world that you’re already successful (even if you’re not there yet), then you at least need to communicate to the world that you’re already in business. How you do that is outlined in my text entitled “100% Financing When Buying Real Estate.”

At the moment you may very well be working full-time (40-50 hours per week) for somebody else. You may be working overtime, or even two jobs, just to be able to pay all your bills. So right from the beginning you don’t have much time to spend as a real estate investor. Believe it or not, this puts you in exactly the same “shape” as the most successful investors! As you can well believe, the whole idea of becoming emmensely successful is to be able to spend most of your time (40-50 hours per week) doing something else. Like enjoying yourself, partaking more in family life, or traveling extensively for pleasure. So your task at hand is to replace your current full-time job with forthcoming full-time pleasure, and in the meantime live just like a successful real estate investor does.

The successful, or seasoned, investor in real estate spends his or her minimum investing time in the most productive ways possible-just like you should. This seasoned professional has all the knowledge, all the tools, and all the experience needed to invest profitably and successfully. The very reason why you’re reading this text is to acquire the same knowledge that most of these others have only gained through experience. Hence, this is a shortcut to success as a real estate investor. You’ll acquire the knowledge you need in just a few weeks, instead of several years. Armed with this knowledge, you’ll easily be able to acquire the right tools, and your first experience should be positive. After that, it should become even more so, building your confidence as you experience continued success based on the knowledge you acquire right here, right now.

The first thing to do then is to act the part of a seasoned real estate investor. An important part of that is having the knowledge-which you are acquiring-about creative real estate financing, as, say for example, “100% Financing When Buying Real Estate.” My real estate investment course teaches you many ways to do exactly that, and you should review this material often as you begin and continue to invest in income producing real estate.

One of the most important parts of this material that you should begin immediately to absorb, and review continuously until you’ve mastered all the terms, in the glossary of my text, “100% Financing When Buying Real Estate.” The first thing anyone needs to learn when taking on a new role in life is the language of that role and/or that career. Ask any Shakespearean actor, for example. Thus the sooner you learn the lingo of real estate investing, the sooner you can present yourself as a seasoned real estate investor. So please be sure to purchase my text entitled, “100% Financing When Buying Real Estate.” the landmark condo

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